Monday, January 3, 2011

Not So Nice Hand Picked List On Bonanza's Home Page

The other night 12-31-10, I was snooping around and went to Bonanza's home page. I rarely, if ever, go there so imagine my surprise when I saw the following handpicked list inhabiting this prime real estate.

It is called, Find Your Woody Here.

Please click the below graphic to enlarge it.

It all seems innocent enough until you see the note about what the item in the right, lower corner says when you mouse over it. At first it appears to simply say My Woody with a picture but when you mouse over it, it says - My Woody Got Me A Lei. If you decide to click on the image instead of simply mouse over it and get the large version of the picture in the listing.

I don't know about you but I don't think that item should be on the home page of any selling venue that considers themselves to be family friendly. What must buyers think when they see that? Sure, some will think it is funny but many will not.

Just the term "woody" is bad enough since it means something sexual to some.

And to think that Bonanza management is responsible for picking the lists that hit the home page just blows me away! What were they thinking?! Don't they know that something like that on the home page may reflect badly on all sellers of the site?!Where was their common sense in choosing this HPL?

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