18% of Facebook users less than 25 years old check the site every few hours.
61% of Facebook users 24 years old or less check Facebbok daily.
18% of the same group check Facebook every few hours.
Older Facebook users visited the site less.
55% of Facebook users 25 years old and over check Facebook daily (study was of more than 1,000 U.S. consumers).
11% of that same group check Facebook every few hours.
The use of Apple’s popular iPhone might help social sites grow.
28% of iPhone users check or update Twitter before they rise.
26% check our update Twitter before they turn on the TV.
23% use their iPhone to access morning news.
16% of respondents 24 years old or less use Twitter and/or Facebook to get morning news.
24% of respondents 24 years old or less and 12% of those 25 and over can be interrupted by an electronic message when using the restroom.
49% of respondents 24 years old or less and 27% of those 25 years and over, can be interrupted by an electronic message while eating a meal.
22% of respondents in the 24 or less group, and 11% of older consumers, can be interrupted by an electronic message while in a meeting.
40% of respondents say they don't mind being interrupted for a message when having a meal.
7% say they would even check a message during an intimate moment.
Brands seem to be paying attention to the popularity of social media. A recent survey by web marketing consultants E-consultancy, who surveyed 400 companies, 19% of whom were e-retailers, found 77% were using Twitter. That could be because it is cheap.
32% said they do not spend anything on social media beyond their employees’ time.
36% spend less than $5,000 a year and 12% spend $10,000 or less.