Saturday, September 5, 2009

KingWebmaster Announces the Promo Manager

From: PRZOOM - Newswire

KingWebmaster, LLC, a Yahoo! Store developer, announces the upcoming launch of a new Yahoo! Store innovation, the Promo Manager. This new feature gives Yahoo! Store owners the ability to create promotions and market their store like never before.

Greenacres, FL, United States, 09/03/2009 – KingWebmaster, LLC, a Yahoo Store developer, is announcing the September 15, 2009 release of their newest Yahoo Store enhancement, the Promo Manager.

The Promo Manager is a module for Yahoo! Stores that breaks previously existing functionality boundaries by allowing store owners to create promotions like “Buy 3, Get 1 free” or “25% off 12-2pm.” All previously existing Yahoo promotional features will remain fully functional. The small ecommerce businesses utilizing the Promo Manager will be able to create promotions like other major e-retailers.

The Promo Manager’s back-end administrative system allows for easy management and full control when creating and implementing promotions. Yahoo Store owners will be able to create promotions by selecting conditions their customers will need to meet in order to receive specific rewards, like free items or shipping. Owners will also be able to include or exclude items in each promotion and toggle between active or inactive for promotions.

For more details, KingWebmaster ( is holding a webinar prior to the Promo Manager launch. The informational webinar will be held on September 15, 2009 at 2:00pm ET and those interested in learning more should send an email to the contact below for registration information.

King Webmaster specializes in Yahoo! Store development. The company offers a full range of services and solutions for Yahoo! Store owners with expertise in RTML, PHP, HTML, and JavaScript. KingWebmaster has used their knowledge and experience to solve even the most complex challenges; they have provided 100s of Yahoo! Stores, big and small, what no other developers can, including the Advanced Shipping Manager. The team thinks outside the box, which is why they are able to “master the impossible.” If you can think it, King Webmaster can do it.

BuyItSellIt Store - Tour Video

If you would like to open a reasonably priced online store, BuyItSellIt is a site you don't want to miss. Offers International Collectors A Place To Trade

From Delcampe Press Kit:
Established in October 2000, gathers an international community of collectors on a single site. It offers selling services, forums, documentation, and much more…



 Millions of collectables and leasure items at your fingertips!
 Transactions are concluded without any problem. Otherwise, the Delcampe team helps you to find a solution.

 Look for your favourite items using keywords or browsing categories.
 Once your item found, click on the title and a more complete description appears.
 To bid, choose the amount you are willing to offer and validate.
 If another bidder shows up, you get notified by email. If you win the auction, we immediately send you the seller's coordinates for completion of the transaction. A reliable site...
 Once a transaction ended, the seller and buyer give each other a rating (between 0 and 100%), which shows on the member’s page. This system allows you to easily check your partner’s reliability.


 There are no insertion fees, selling an item is free. So come and try… You don’t
have anything to loose!
 The commission rate is based on your monthly sales volume and is one of the lowest on the market.

 Each item, be it a single one, a set or a collection, is individually featured.
 In just a few steps, the item is put on sale: you choose a category, insert up to
three pictures, describe the item, choose a starting price and the sales duration…
then validate!
 Your item is now viewable by millions of people!
 Once your item is sold, we email you the buyer’s coordinates for quick contact
and easy conclusion of the auction.

A bargain...
 Registration is free of charge.
 No site fees for the buyer.
 Putting items for sale is free.
 Most competitive fees only for sold items.

Types of sale:
Three ways to sell your items:
- Auction sale: The item is put on sale with a starting price. A buyer places a bid on the item and other possible buyers can overbid. When the sale ends, the best bidder is the winner and becomes the buyer.
- Reserve price sale: Same as auction sale except that if the highest bid does not meet the reserve price, there is no obligation for you to sell the item. The reserve price remains secret during the sale.
- Fixed price sale: The price you ask is what the buyer will pay in order to buy the items. The sale ends as soon as someone has offered to buy the item. Bidding is therefore not possible in this case.

Fees on Delcampe
Registration Free!
Registration is free and gives you access to most of Delcampe services .
Purchases Free!
Buying is free. The buyer only has to pay the money owed to the seller, nothing more.

Insertion fee Free!
There is no insertion fee on Delcampe.
Store Free!
Seller-Stores are completely free for use.
An address shows your sales on our website.

Members - 421,639
Verified members - 14,262
Members Club+ - 2,726
Members Club+ - 339
Members Club+ - 983
Ongoing sales - 24,939,548
Items from the beginning - 67,740,742
Items sold since the beginning - 20,019,458
Sold items (September ...) - 67,254
Sold items (August) - 511,372
Sold items (July) - 471,899,E.html

Friday, September 4, 2009

Google Notices Are Arriving In Sellers Email Inboxes

Well, it is now official. The emails are arriving in sellers inboxes regarding the upcoming change with Google Base Feeds.

We reveived our email notice from Google just a few moments ago becuase we sell on more than one venue. Only one site that we sell on does not have automatic Google Base feeds yet. That site is Bonanzle.

Yesterday, Bill Harding blogged that Bonanzle is thrilled with this new change. He also stated that they should have the feeds created, up-to-date and in compliance within 2 to 4 weeks.
Here is a copy of the email:


We're happy to let you know that as of September 3rd, individual sellers on marketplaces no longer need to submit feeds to Google Product Search. Going forward, marketplaces will be responsible for submitting a feed of all their sellers' items, so we will be retiring your account to avoid duplicate entries on Product Search. Bonanzle will also be responsible for ensuring that your feeds are up-to-date and compliant with our policies.

In most cases, marketplaces already submit feeds of their sellers' items. If you have any further questions about your items or Google Product Search, please contact Bonanzle. We look forward to continuing to display your products, and hope you enjoy the new streamlined submission process.


The Google Team

Email preferences: You have received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to your Google Base product or account.

Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043

Kȟe Sapa & Paha Sapa - Holy Land Of The Sioux Nation

All over the internet we have read that He Sapa or Paha Sapa in the Lakota language meant the Black Hills. Most will believe this until they see what we ran across earlier tonight. We found a July 29, 2009 article by Russell Means. While the terms are talking about the area known to non-natives as the Black Hills, there is much more to it in the native culture.

There is no one that can tell native legends, stories and history like the native people, especially those who have studied them extensively. The information is told with such beauty and in a way they were taught by the elders. In the article, Mr. Means tells of the beautiful meaning of the native terms Kȟe Sapa & Paha Sapa. In doing so, it helps everyone to better understand what the Black Hills really mean to native people.

Click here to read his article: Kȟe Sapa and Paha Sapa - Russell Means’ response to David Swallow

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sales Continue To Rise On eCrater

free web store builder

Everyday, we become more and more surprised at our sales on eCrater. Sales started out slowly at first but now, they are second only to eBay in gross sales for us.

The only promotion activity we have been invlolved in was when we initially submitted our eCrater store URL to search engines. eCrater supplies the Google Base feeds so we don't have to worry about that at all.

Once we became established at eCrater, about 6 months in, our sales were on a gradual upswing. This year, they have been pretty good and better yet, they have been steady and growing.

The best part of selling on eCrater - NO SITE FEES! Every ounce of money is ours except for whatever the payment service charges. If the buyer pays for the item by check or money order, the money is 100% ours. It doesn't get any better than that on any other selling venue!

Due to the low cost of selling on eCrater, we can offer the best deals there. It appears that buyers are catching onto this when looking at the increase in sales. Buyers want the best deal they can get and those that have shopped at eCrater know they can get the best deal at eCrater.

Let's not forget, eCrater not only provides a great shopping experience, they also treat their sellers with great respect. (The kind of respect that all business partners should have for each other.)

We love selling on eCrater and would advise everyone to give it a try. You need to be into selling for the long haul as it takes a little time to become established but once you are, you will be pleasantly surprised also.

Bonanzle Embraces Goolge Base Changes

Bonanzle founder, Bill Harding states that he is delighted with the Google Base change that allows multi-seller marketplaces to manage the feeds for all of their sellers.

Before this change, Bonanzle sellers had to upload their own feeds to Google Base. While Bonanzle support is / was always available to assist sellers who had trouble following the detailed instructions provided by the site, it was one of the most difficult selling details to deal with for many.

You can read Bill's blog here:

Inhabid Bumps Up Launch Date

Inhabid bumped up their launch date.

The new dates are:

Pre-launch date: August 1, 2009
Full launch date: September 14, 2009 (Auction Site)

Stop in and check them out!

Bonanzle Celebrates One Year Since Leaving Beta

Today, Bonanzle celebrates it's first year since leaving beta testing. There are virtual celebrations in the Bonanzle forums and a note on Bill Harding's blog. Bill is the founder of Bonanzle.

Bill starts out his blog with:

Slogan: Real People. Real Deals. Real Time. Can I get a witness? Anyone remember back that far?

We remember that far back. At that time, we were a forum lurker for about a month or 2, trying to decide if we should join Bonanzle. We eventually did sign on, on 09-09-08. The site has really grown and had major changes since then. Bill's blog goes on to note some of the various milestones, most of which we also remember.

The blog also states:

What to expect for year two?

Year one was just a warm up round for what we're planning to bring you this year. We believe that the top reason to make Bonanzle your marketplace home is our commitment to improving faster than a cheetah on ice skates (don't imagine it, just go with your gut here... cheetahs are fast, and anything on ice skates is faster). In the next few weeks, we'll be releasing our Bonanzle API, which will allow third-party developers to create nifty stuff like iPhone apps, desktop software, Facebook apps, or browser plugins that interface with Bonanzle. I believe we will be the first marketplace outside of the Old Guard to offer a full-featured developer API.

After that, we have our sights set on October as the month we will begin development on the next generation of Bonanzle, for hopeful release by late October or early November. Expect to hear more around that time about how we plan to offer buyers an experience worth writing home about.

Congratulations Bonanzle!

It will be interesting to see what Bonanzle does in the year ahead.

Etsy, Upcoming Changes For Shop & Item Page SEO

Etsy announced some of the changes it will be making with the help a search engine optimization consultant to improve sellers rankings on search engine results.

Some of the changes is to add the words "on Etsy" at the end of page titles to help searchers quickly identify links they trust and to truncate titles to remove non-essential characters.

From the Etsy website:
Published on September 1, 2009 in Etsy News

Etsy has been working with SEOmoz, a third-party consultancy, to improve the search engine optimization (SEO) for, including shop and item listing pages. Improved SEO means shoppers are more likely to find Etsy pages when they use search engines like Google and Bing.

We're excited to announce that we’re getting ready to move forward with some changes based on the guidance of the experts at SEOmoz. (Big thanks to Rand, Lindsay, Jen and everyone at SEOmoz!)

We're pre-announcing these changes to ensure sellers have time to prepare, but it's important to note that you don't need to make any changes to your shop or item listing pages. It's your choice whether you want to work on SEO. We know some sellers will want the opportunity to optimize their pages and take full advantage of these changes, and we also want to explain what Etsy is doing to improve SEO.

Click here to read the rest of the upcoming changes.

Atomic Mall Announces Brand New "2.0" Category Pages

Atomic Mall announced the realease of their brand new "2.0" category pages on 09-01-09. This upgrade is geared towards a better buying experience.

In the announcement, Atomic Mall states the following and offers the below graphic as an example of the new pages:

New pages and a new three-tier category structure allows shoppers to enjoy a cleaner, faster site with an enhanced "buyer-friendly" browsing experience.

Click the graphic to enlarge.

The primary upgrade to the site is the new category structure which implements three levels:

Category > Subcategory > Sub-Subcategory

The redesigned category pages were built around the new category structure. All group display pages like Search, by Manufacturer, Sale Items, Similar Items and of course Category Items have been modified to display each item's complete category tree, allowing shoppers to click on each respective level to see all items in that particular category, subcategory or sub-subcategory.

"Category 2.0" upgrade highlights:

* New sliding category menu for easy access to all 3rd level sub-subcategories relevant to a particular sub-category. Repositioned to left side of page for more intuitive use.

* Category pages now allow up to 75 items per page to be displayed.

* Creation Station has been updated to include the new 3rd-level categories in the listing creation and edit process, as well as the new listing upgrade.

* Batch editor upgraded to utilize the new "sub-subcategory" field.

* Category pages now show the expanded, three-level category tree structure, with links for each level.

* New "Hottest Items" feature on each category page will show the six most popular items for that category, based on page views within the past 45 days.

* New 2.0 page format is 40% "lighter" than previous design, and utilizes several html tricks to increase speed.

* New listing upgrade: "Category Featured". Put your listing front and center on its relevant category page for maximum targeted audience exposure. The feature will run for four days, and only costs 99 cents as an introductory special. Ads display three at a time and rotate with other listings. Unoccupied slots are taken by random items.

* New store upgrade: "Specialty Shops". By upgrading your store to a Specialty Shop, your store's logo and link will be displayed prominently on the category page related to your selected "niche". This service is free of charge for all Mercury and higher level accounts, and costs only $2.99/mo. for Gold and Gold-equivalent accounts like Chromium and GoldPlus.

12-01-09 Google Eliminates Duplicate Listings From Duplicate Sellers

Right ahead of the heaviest Christmas shopping, Google Base is eliminating the accounts of sellers who list identical products at more than one of the various marketplaces. Google Base is trying to eliminate duplicate feeds from sellers who list their products (identical) on several venues. They have created multi-client accounts for aggregators and the various venues to manage feeds for multiple sellers under one account.

Multi-client accounts allow aggregators and venues to consolidate and manage data feeds for all of the accounts for each individual seller. Google is implementing this change December 1, 2009. Google will be notifying all individual sellers that would be affected by the change so that they can bring their feeds into compliance.

From the Google Base Blog:

New Policies for Marketplaces & Aggregators on Google Product Search
Wednesday, September 02, 2009 at 3:58 PM

Today we're happy to introduce multi-client accounts as a solution to help aggregators and marketplaces manage feeds for multiple sellers under a single account. By allowing marketplaces better control over their sellers' product data, shoppers get more accurate and relevant information when they search for things to buy on Product Search, and individual sellers don't need to submit their own feeds. The multi-client accounts allow aggregators and marketplaces to consolidate and manage data feeds and reporting for sub-accounts, submit changes more rapidly, and get more accurate Google Checkout badging at the seller level. Marketplaces and aggregators will be required to use multi-client accounts to submit and manage their sellers' feeds starting on December 1st, 2009.

As a result of these changes, individual sellers on marketplaces no longer need to submit a feed to Google Product Search. To avoid duplicate listings we will be notifying individual sellers and retiring their accounts. Please see the full Marketplace and Aggregator policies for more information.

Linking Your Checkout and Base Accounts
Wednesday, September 02, 2009 at 9:59 AM

As we announced on July 30th, we're retiring the "One at a time" upload option on Google Base today. If you've been using the "One at a time" upload option, we recommend submitting through a data feed, which allows you to submit single or multiple items quickly and easily. For those providers who want Google to host a page for their item - for example, if you don't have a website - just submit your data feed without anything in the "link" attribute, and we'll create a Google Base page for your item.

For those users who are interested in selling items hosted on Google pages, we're making it easier to link your Google Base account to Google Checkout, our payment processing solution. When you sign in today, you'll notice a new page in your "Settings" tab called "Checkout." If there's a Checkout account linked to your Base account already, you'll see it listed on this page. If you're not already linked to a Checkout account, or want to add a different account, you'll be able to do that by entering the Checkout Merchant ID. Any Checkout accounts added in this manner will need to be verified in Google Checkout, so your payments information is secure. We hope you find this expanded functionality useful.

This could prove to be another challenge for some sellers this holiday season if they have not prepared for the change. Are you ready?

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Promote Your Products - Helpful Links

Selling online is a challenge with so much competition out there. There are several ways to promote your products and stores so that you are noticed. We have compiled this list (it's not all inclusive) to help give you a good start as to where you can promote your items beyond search engines and Google Base.

Atomic Auctions Coming Soon To Atomic Mall

Atomic Mall has made an announcement about a new feature coming to their site very soon. They said that they are developing a new and exciting auction format that will be unique to Atomic Mall.

From their announcement:
It will be known as the "Atomic Auction", and will consist of a bidding and buying structure not found elsewhere on the web. A short time ago we secured the domain in anticipation of this landmark upgrade. It will become a sister site to Atomic Mall, hosting only those listings which fit our new auction format.

I guess we will have to wait and see how this plays out but it should add some new excitement into Atomic Mall.

About Atomic Mall (from their site):
Atomic Mall is a multi-user Marketplace venue where individuals can Buy or Sell virtually anything! Backed by an online commerce veteran of 20+ years in the e-tail trenches, and a team of skilled programmers and network security gurus, Atomic Mall has evolved into a feature-rich e-commerce gathering place where Sellers and Buyers from around the globe can meet and interact. Sellers can set up shop instantly, and Buyers will love our intuitive design and navigation features.

Our mission: To make online shopping simple, fun, and rewarding. Join the web's most dynamic new marketplace, and become part of the buzz!

Buy instantly! No waiting for auctions to close, or dealing with last-second sniping.
Check your order status 24/7 using our exclusive Tracking Station.
Have a question about an item? Use our sitewide Instant Chat system and talk with Sellers in real time!
Use your credit card for secure, hassle-free checkout through Google and Paypal.
Search for items with numerous sort options. When you have hits, narrow it even further with price filters.
JUST LAUNCHED! - Negotiate and make offers! Haggle with Sellers, just like face-to-face negotiations.

Reach millions of potential Buyers with our automatic feeds to Google Shopping®, Oodle® Vast® and others.
Get your own Storefront web address with your account. Customize your store with avatars, banners and logos.
Import your existing feedback from other auction and marketplace sites. Keep your hard-earned reputation!
Getting good feedback at Atomic Mall earns premium placement for your listings. We reward great service!
Pay only a small commission if your item sells. There are no hidden fees at Atomic Mall.
Import your existing eBay® auctions directly into Atomic Mall!

We believe listing should be free. Gold members can keep up to 2000 items in their Storefronts, completely free of charge. Signup and membership is free too!
We believe customers deserve exemplary service. Buy from Sellers who have proven they know how to treat Buyers.
We believe feedback is a two-way street. At Atomic Mall, Buyers and Sellers are always treated as 100% equals.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Etsy - SNS Saturday Night Specials

If you want to get in on some good sales and love handcrafted items, head on over to Etsy on Saturday evenings.

Each of the participating shops decide what kind of special they want to run. It could be a percentage off sale prices, a BOGO (Buy One, Get One 1/2 off or Buy One, Get One free), or whatever the seller wants to offer. At any rate, the savings are very nice.

The sales start at 5:00 pm eastern time and end at 6:00 am eastern time. Some sellers may not run their sales that many hours so you will have to check the times that they have posted.

If you go to the Etsy forums, there is usually a thread running there about many of the sales offered - under promotions.

There are some beautiful items on Etsy and all of them would make wonderful Christmas gifts. Head on over there this Saturday and check out the sales!

Top Rated Seller & eBay Dissing Great Sellers

While we were planning to always keep this blog as positive as possible - for the each of the topics we write about but we no longer feel we can do that in regards to eBay because we are really disgusted. There is nothing positive about the new changes that will be implemented over there.

We are very discouraged and hurt by eBay's new Top Rated Seller program. Us and many other sellers who have been PowerSellers for many years and who have high ratings and very good to exceptional DSR's are going to suffer in October.

Since the announcement of this new program, we will no longer be considered a top seller at eBay. After all of this time and always having 99.9% feedback or higher and great DSR's, we are no longer a good seller in their eyes.

Why? We keep wondering if this is just another way to pad things up for the "Diamond Sellers". After all, it has been noted by many people that not only has the feedback been corrected for these "Diamond Sellers" but their DSR's have also been doctored.

We have searched and searched and could find no other reason for this ridiculous program. Looking at all of the sellers that will be disrespected by eBay with this program is really upsetting.

If the economy and all of the other eBay changes haven't caused our sales to drop far enough, now we will be dumped into the bottom portion of search while paying fees that the "Diamonds" do not...

To us, this is the ultimate disrespect of great sellers by eBay.


Enjoy Diamonds... someday eBay will turn on you also.

And as a side note:
What is really funny is that some eBay members who have been inactive for several months qualify for this new Top Rated Seller program and they never lost their PowerSeller status during this time (they should have according to eBay's policies and sales requirements). It would be nice if eBay would explain that one.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Bonanzle Readies For 100,000th Member With A Writing Contest

Bonanzle expects to reach 100,000 members in September which will also be one year since they came out of Beta. To celebrate this event, Bonanzle seller, CityChic and the Law Offices of Nicole L. Augenti, LLC are sponsoring a writing contest.

The winner of the contest will have their essay published in the Bonanzle Newsletter and - or the Bonanzle Blog and they will also receive a one year, paid in full, Premier Membership to Bonanzle.

For more information on the contest and rules go to this thread in the Bonanzle forums:

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Ruby Lane For Antiques And Art, Vintage Collectibles And Jewelry

If you sell antiques and art or vintage collectibles and jewelry, you may want to check out Ruby Lane.

While Ruby Lane will not work for our Black Hills Gold products because they are new, it may be viable for many of our readers who deal in antique and vintage items.

Ruby lane offers video tutorials for their users:
Click here for seller videos.
Click here for buyer videos.

From their website:

Mission Statement
Ruby Lane, an e-commerce web site located at, has been designed to bring buyers and sellers of Antiques & Art, Vintage Collectibles and Jewelry together online, using the most sophisticated technology available. We have created a process that makes it easy and convenient for non-technical consumers to become a part of the growing trend of internet retail opportunities. We pride ourselves in our service, ease of use, and reliability for all of Ruby Lane's visitors; finding items quickly and easily is key to our business. Our strategy is to integrate the real world transactions of antiques and collectibles into the Internet's expanding global community. Borders are disappearing and communities are being built in the growing realm of online commerce; Ruby Lane enjoys being an integral and valuable part of the process.

Company Background
Co-founders Tom Johnson and Jim Wilcoxson established Ruby Lane in January 1998. Prior to that time, both had led distinguished careers, working as top-level programmers for companies that include IBM, Ford, Silicon Graphics and Platinum Technologies. Both founders exclusively financed Ruby Lane. In September of 2005, Tom Johnson assumed the helm as president of Ruby Lane, Inc as Jim Wilcoxson departed to pursue other interests.

The impetus for establishing a web site catering to the antiques and collectibles world grew out of Johnson's love of 50's California Pottery (he has complete sets of Franciscan "Autumn" and "Trio"), many pieces of which were acquired via the Web. Combining these passions with knowledge of the world of high technology was a natural progression. Following the great retail tradition of naming businesses with a family name (think Bloomingdales, Neiman-Marcus, or Sotheby's), Johnson named the site in honor of his mom, Ruby.

Visitors to are proven prime e-commerce participants. As a group, they are well-educated, have disposable income, and most importantly, they are already comfortable and familiar with buying (and often selling) on the Internet.

Demographically, the majority of our visitors are candidates for products and services that include travel, financial planning, family and healthcare issues, and a variety of shopping categories. Advertising on will give your product or service very effective exposure to a highly targeted and qualified audience.

Female 87%
Age 40-79 93%
over 24 99%

Under $35,000 24%
Over $50,000 58%
Over $75,000 35%
Over $100,000 19%

2 or more 56%

Collecting Enthusiast
more than 5 years 91%
more than 10 years 81%

Shopping Online
Both Buy and Sell 45%
1-5 hours per week 48%
more than 5 hours per week 15%
more than 10 hours per week 17%

Purchasing on Ruby Lane
$26-$100 per order 63%
Feel confident 90%

Site Traffic
Ruby Lane is constantly expanding its reach attracting new visitors each day. Ruby Lane has a significant presence and an increasing percentage of the marketshare in its market. These statistics are only for the main Ruby Lane web site at

Unique Visitors per Month 1,300,000
Average Stay 6:40 minutes
Page Views/Visit 8.6
As of December 2008 - source Google Analytics

Commission None!
Listing A one-time fee of 30 cents to list an item
Maintenance After an item has been listed, from the next month on, Maintenance fees are:
The first 150 items is 30 cents for each item, and then each item over 150 is 20 cents per item Minimum charge of 50 items, or $15 per month
Calculated and charged on the 1st of every month
First month's Maintenance fee waived for new shops
All items are counted, including Backroom, Sold, Sale Pending, etc.
Dealers with multiple shops are combined for accounting purposes
Advertising $20 per month per shop
Charged on the 1st of every month, not subject to Charter Shop discount
Used for advertising and marketing, both online and traditional, of Ruby Lane and its shops
Every shop pays this fee
Setup There is a one time $75 Setup Fee per shop
The Setup Fee is refunded if your shop is not approved
Discounts See special programs
For example, after the one-time $75 setup fee has been paid, and the listing fees for stock added, for a shop with up to 50 items, the minimum monthly cost of maintaining a shop on Ruby Lane is $15 for the maintenance fee and $20 for advertising, or $35.

Press Room:
August 24, 2009 - Auction Bytes Podcast - Ruby Lane's Growth Strategies
August 2009 - Real Simple Magazine - 'What Was That Website Again '
July 2009, Wave Magazine, Funky Shui Flair
July 2, 2009 - My Intimate Affair With Fashion Blog
June 24, 2009 - Xmarks Beta - Rubylane.Com Gets A 5 Out Of 5 Star Rating
May 3, 2009 Ruby Lane President Tom Johnson Remains Bullish On Antiques
April 22, 2009 - Antiques And Vintage Site Rubylane.Com Is The New Green
March 17, 2009 - Morningstar.Com - Stability And Leadership Account For Ruby Lane's Double Digit Growth
Mar. 17, 2009 - Market Watch - Stability And Leadership Account For Ruby Lane's Double Digit Growth
Feb. 2009 - The Dallas Morning News, Oscar Night Gems Found On Ruby Lane

Look for our ads in these targeted publications
Martha Stewart Living
Country Living
House Beautiful
InStyle Home
Wall Street Journal
Antique Trader
Antique Week
American Style
Art & Antiques
Maine Antique Digest
New England Antique Journal
The Bee