On this site, all sellers are from the United States. The sellers are verified through Trufina. UpperBid requires sellers to have a US address and valid phone number, payments from buyers must go through a payment processing service based in the United States or mailed to a United States address, and all items sold must ship from a United States address.
They report having 5000 members with about 13,000 auctions running right now. According to Robert King, UpperBid CEO, the site currently has a "Google rank of 4 (which is higher than most other worldwide alternatives, and we are either equal or higher in rank than every other auction under the auction site count area on PSU website except eBay, eCrater, Bonanzle, and Overstock)."
They don't currently have bulk uploading from other sites but they plan to have it in a few months.
Listing is FREE, you only pay fees for special features and a small percentage when your item sells.
If you like auction action, stop in and check them out. Here is the link again - UpperBid.
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