Every now and then, you should Google the online ID's you use and also your real name. Does each search return provide information you would like attached to your business? Personal notes or photos that show you in a bad light may be something you want to have removed. Your friends might find it really funny to see photos of you passed out drunk at a weekend party or clowing around with some friends on a social site and post a photo or write something not so flattering about it on a social site. If one of your friends networks with a potential customer (online or real life), the photo or writing may be shared and it could tarnish your reputation plus it does nothing to instill buyer confidence. Your private life is yours and should be separated from your business because not everyone will view talk or pictures of such matters in a positive way.
Some people are passionate and have something to say about a controversial issue or topic that is unrelated to their business or they post less than flattering images on a social networking site for their friends and family to see. For this reason, it may be a wise idea to create a separate socializing ID so it won't be connected to your business.
Socializing and your business reputation is difficult to deal with when you are involved with online marketplaces that have an attached forum since socializing is one of the draws to the site. Be really careful in what you post on the forums. Don't just type what first comes to mind and hit the send button. If what you are writing will offend, hurt or upset someone, maybe you should write it in an email and send it to yourself to spare the feelings of others and your own business reputation.
Nicely done! Keep up the great work!